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Certificate : Social Media for Business Certificate

Tuition: $495.00

Description: Get in on this exciting and growing way to communicate, market and serve your customers and clients. For businesses, nonprofits, government, and other organizations. From Facebook to Twitter, blogging, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more, discover the new principles of communication that apply across all networks and how these specific social networks work and the possible uses for your organization.

Learn how social networks are used to develop a two-way communication and marketing strategy for your organization. Then find out what you can be doing, what you should be doing, and take back a plan to integrate social networks into your communication and marketing.

Whether you are new to social networks or already involved, you will come away with both an understanding of social networks and practical, how-to techniques to integrate social networks into your organization or business.Your instructors are outstanding practitioners who also speak, write, and train others on social networks.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to Social Media (BSN9721U (7445) /66661) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)
Marketing Using Social Media (BSN9719U (7446) /66662) Online 05/05/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 5/5/2025, ending 5/30/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)
Integrating Social Media in Your Organization (BSN9720U (7447) /66663) Online 06/02/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 6/2/2025, ending 6/27/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)

Certificate Series : Certificate in Non-Profit Administration

Tuition: $595.00   

Description: Non-profits today need to be run like a business in many respects. You have competition, a need to generate income and a surplus, and staff need to be even more productive. Get the best training on revenue generation for nonprofits, and program evaluation for nonprofits, with our Certificate in NonProfit Administration. You will come away with the latest best information from instructors who train people in nonprofits.

Revenue Generation for Nonprofits
Build revenue streams for your nonprofit organization. They are essential not only to keep your doors open but also to expand your services. Discover how to increase revenue from your current activities. Develop strategies for building new ones. Know how to effectively set prices or fees. Understand the 20% that generates 80% of your revenue. These are basic concepts that will yield greater results. After taking this course, you will have the knowledge to improve your revenue generation and generate a better surplus.

Program Evaluation for Nonprofits
Enhance your understanding of program evaluation within the nonprofit context. Find out how to improve your evaluation planning, data collection, data analysis and data use. Special attention will be paid to the real-world challenges that organizations may face when conducting evaluation, including staff time, costs and reporting evaluation results to funders. By the close of the course, you will have a complete program logic model and evaluation plan ready for implementation.


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Revenue Generation for Non Profits (BSN9006U /66601) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 8 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Program Evaluation for Nonprofits (7707 /66602) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : Power BI Certificate

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: Gain insights into your data using business intelligence software – Power Business Intelligence. Power BI is a widely used business analytics service offered by Microsoft. Power BI Desktop is a complete data analysis and report creation tool that you install for free.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to Power BI (COAP9000U /66586) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Intermediate Power BI (COAP9001U /66587) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Advanced Power BI (COAP9002U /66588) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : Cybersecurity Certificate

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: Equip yourself with the foundational knowledge and advanced skills needed to safeguard networks, data, and systems from cyber attacks. Conquer the core principles of cybersecurity, develop strategies to protect networks, and gain hands-on experience in identifying and mitigating cyber threats. Come away with the essential tools and knowledge to succeed in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to Cybersecurity (BSN9740U /66645) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Network Security and Defense Strategies (BSN9739U /66646) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Advanced Cyber Threat Analysis and Mitigation (BSN9757U /66647) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : AI Certificate

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: Give your organization a competitive advantage with Artificial Intelligence (AI).  And position yourself in an emerging knowledge specialty and growth area.  
Explore what AI can do to reduce costs, gather more and better business data, automate time-consuming tasks, improve efficiency, lower human error, reallocate staff time for higher priority functions, and more. Then master the concepts and fundamental techniques of implementing AI.  Finally, develop an AI plan and strategy to deliver results for your workplace. Walk away with the knowledge and confidence to help lead your organization into this exciting new area of business expertise.


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to ChatGPT (BSN9743U /66642) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Intermediate AI (BSN9742U /66643) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
AI Planning and Strategies (BSN9741U /66644) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : HR for Non HR Managers Certificate

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: You as a manager are on the front lines of human resources (HR) for your organization.
Upskill your knowledge about HR. Conquer one of the essential competencies for a successful manager, moving up, and contributing to the productivity of your organization. Crush it with your people. Whether you work with a small organization or a large one with HR specialists, you play a critical role in creating a positive HR environment. Know what every manager needs to know about HR.


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Your Role in HR (BSN9746U /66638) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
HR Aspects of Good Leadership (BSN9745U /66639) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Optimizing Performance and Employee Success (BSN9744U /66640) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : Strategic Planning Cetificate

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: Strategic planning is an activity that all leaders do, and only leaders do. It is an essential skill to acquire for emerging and developing leaders.  As some 70% of strategic plans fail or are not implemented fully, unearth the secrets and tactics for the successful strategic planning.

Solidify your skill set and conquer this challenging and exciting area of leadership.


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to Strategic Planning (BSN9750U /66635) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Communicating Your Vision (BSN9749U /66636) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Implementing Your Strategic Plan (BSN9748U /66637) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Series : Diversity Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: Certificate Overview
75% of the world’s major conflicts have a cultural dimension and the culture sector now accounts for 6.1% of the global economy. The United Nations reports that creative and cultural industries (CCI) generate annual revenues of US$ 2,250 billion and nearly 30 million jobs worldwide, employing more people aged 15 to 29 than any other sector. To improve diversity, achieve equity, and foster inclusion one must be intentional, consistent, and courageous.
LERN’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Workplace Certificate focuses on improving cultural competence and encourages continuous learning. Students will gain a better understanding of DEI.
DEI Definitions
Diversity, Equity, and inclusion (DEI) is not just a phrase; each word speaks to distinct values. 
Diversity: The representation of different and unique identities, characteristics, experiences, and perspectives. 
Equity: Giving everyone what they need to succeed by increasing access, resources, and opportunities for all, especially those who are underrepresented and have been disadvantaged. 
Inclusion: A welcoming culture in which differences are celebrated and everyone is valued and respected.
The classes in this certificate must be taken in the below order:
- What is DEI
- Inclusive Communication
- DEI and Organizational Success

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
What is DEI? (DEI01U /66634) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Inclusive Communication (BSN9800U /66613) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
DEI and Organizational Success (BSN900U /66614) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : Certificate in Mastering Computer Skills for the Workplace

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: Get hands-on experience with the most widely used computer programs in the world, and take away the skills to create professional documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.

Whether you're looking to enhance your current career or launch a new one, this certificate program will equip you with the skills you need to succeed in today's digital world.
Earn a certificate that demonstrates your mastery of computer skills for the workplace by taking all three classes in this series. Discover the power of Microsoft Excel to create, edit and manage spreadsheets, master the art of professional document creation with Microsoft Word, and bring your proposals and presentations to life with Microsoft PowerPoint.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Mastering Microsoft Excel (7696U /66580) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Mastering Microsoft Word (BSN9780U /66627) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Mastering Microsoft PowerPoint (BSN9781U /66628) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : Graphic Design Software Essentials Certificate

Tuition: $545.00   

Description: The Adobe software tools are the leading software for graphic design. Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard computer illustration software. Use Illustrator to draw shapes and design logos, flyers, posters, banners, business cards or any other vector graphics for print or web. Adobe InDesign is the industry standard page-layout program that works with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop seamlessly. InDesign allows you to create simple to complex multi-page documents such as brochures, flyers, books and magazines. Use Adobe Photoshop to effectively work with selection and editing tools, layers, and masks to edit, retouch and enhance existing images or create your own composite digital art work. Access to the Adobe software tools required.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Adobe Illustrator Essentials (GW100 /66624) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Adobe Photoshop Essentials (GD101 /66625) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Adobe InDesign Essentials (GD103 /66626) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
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9700 France Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55431

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