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Certificate Series : Coding Certificate

Tuition: $595.00   

Description: Coding is becoming one of the most in-demand skills in the workplace today. As a result, coding has become a core skill that bolsters one’s chances of becoming a higher value to organizations.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to Coding (COAP4600U /66621) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
HTML Fundamentals (CO4520U (BS11new) /66622) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
CSS Fundamentals (BS4519U /66623) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : Certificate in Web Design

Tuition: $595.00   

Description: Online users say a website’s design is the number one criteria for deciding whether a company is credible or not, according to recent research. Understanding what it takes to produce effective web design is essential in today’s market of highly saturated digital competition.
First discover the basics of web design using HTML and CSS. No prior knowledge of HTML or web design is required. After the first course you will have the info you need to plan and design effective web pages.
Then find out how to create effective and dynamic websites/applications. Take away a functioning web application hosted on a web server that is both accessible and Search Engine Optimized.
Finally, learn about responsive design process, advanced layout and design features. Plus explore industry standard technologies and frameworks. 

This Certificate must be taken in the following order:
- Introduction
- Intermediate
- Advanced

CEUs/ILUs: 4.8
Length (in hours): 48


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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to Web Design (UG3001 /66618) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Intermediate Web Design (UG3003 /66619) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Advanced Web Design (GD105 /66620) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate : Social Media for Business Certificate

Tuition: $495.00

Description: Get in on this exciting and growing way to communicate, market and serve your customers and clients. For businesses, nonprofits, government, and other organizations. From Facebook to Twitter, blogging, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more, discover the new principles of communication that apply across all networks and how these specific social networks work and the possible uses for your organization.

Learn how social networks are used to develop a two-way communication and marketing strategy for your organization. Then find out what you can be doing, what you should be doing, and take back a plan to integrate social networks into your communication and marketing.

Whether you are new to social networks or already involved, you will come away with both an understanding of social networks and practical, how-to techniques to integrate social networks into your organization or business.Your instructors are outstanding practitioners who also speak, write, and train others on social networks.


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to Social Media (BSN9721U (7445) /66615) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)
Marketing Using Social Media (BSN9719U (7446) /66616) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)
Integrating Social Media in Your Organization (BSN9720U (7447) /66617) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)

Certificate : Certificate in Marketing

Tuition: $495.00   

Description: Discover advanced and new best practices in Integrated Marketing, the growing field that integrates traditional print marketing with digital marketing for even greater marketing success. Young generations are embracing print as well as online media, creating this exciting new area of marketing.

Find out the keys to success in the almost forgotten but still remarkably effective area of print, including catalogs, direct mail letters and post cards.  Gain advanced marketing concepts and principles such as R, F, & M analysis; AIDA, and the 3-30-3 principle, that lead directly to practical marketing success. Acquire the understanding of how digital marketing and print complement and enhance each other, and how to integrate both kinds of marketing for even greater overall effectiveness.  

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Advanced Marketing Concepts (UG4088 /66608) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Writing Marketing Copy (BSN9799U /66609) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Integrated Marketing Best Practices (UG4976 /66610) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate : Mastering Video Marketing Certificate

Tuition: $395.00

Description: Video marketing is the latest hot new marketing trend. Shoppers who viewed product videos were 144% more likely to add the product to their cart. Video with good SEO has a 53% higher chance of showing up on page one of Google searches. When done correctly, video can tell a story, and stories connect people. Video also leads to an emotion ‘trigger’ that plain text cannot do.

Two one-month courses.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Video Marketing (BSN9714U (7421) /66606) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)
YouTube for Business (BSN9716U (7429) /66607) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)

Certificate Series : Digital Marketing Certificate

Tuition: $495.00

Description: Come get a fundamental yet advanced introduction to eMarketing, including improving email promotions, analyzing your web site traffic, doing search engine optimization, and how to successfully employ online advertising. Relevant for any type of organization, including businesses, companies, non-profits, and government agencies. No eMarketing experience or expertise is necessary. If you are already at an advanced level, your instructors are experts and can provide the latest most advanced information and answer your toughest questions.
This certificate is also designed for self-directed learning, allowing you to start classes anytime. 

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Improving Email Promotions (BSN9715U (7438) /66603) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)
Boosting Your Website Traffic (BSN9712U (7439) /66604) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)
Online Advertising (BSN9713U (7444) /66605) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released at your own pace in this 16 hour course.)

Certificate : Management Certificate

Tuition: $595.00   

Description:  Discover the keys for effectively to engage, motivate and work with your team. You will explore the principles of collaborative management and gain insight on how to expand your collaborative skills for success of your team or organization. Finally, get the keys to work with different generations in your workplace. Discover what motivates each generation at work, what incentives they respond to, and what messages they value.


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Management Boot Camp (BSN9709U (7602) /66598) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Collaborative Management (BS9401U (9401) /66576) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Managing Generations in the Workplace (BSN9710U (7641) /66599) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Series : Leading Virtual Team (Remote Work Manager Certification)

Tuition: $395.00   

Description: Discover the keys to communicating with and managing remote workers, one of the fastest growing sectors of the workforce.  


Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Communicating with Virtual Teams (BSN9052U /66596) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Managing Remote Workers (BSN9053U /66597) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate Series : Certificate in Leadership Development

Tuition: $395.00   

Description: This certificate provides how-to practical information on advancing your leadership potential and making a difference in both the workplace and in society. Gain knowledge, toolbox of leadership skills, and the information to move your leadership development into high gear.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Leadership Principles (BSN-U /66593) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Developing Your Leadership Skills (BSN-U1 /66594) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Developing Your Professional Career (BSN-U2 /66595) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)

Certificate : SQL Certificate

Tuition: $595.00   

Description: Structured Query Language (SQL) is the industry standard database programming language. It is one of the most in demand skills in occupations that require interaction with data and analyzing data. Through your knowledge of Structured Query Language, you will become more marketable in computer related career fields that pertain to database administration. Learning SQL can also lead to a job that is specific to analyzing data such as a data analyst, a quality assurance analyst, or a business analyst.
   You’ll first learn about relational database structures, the history and uses of Structured Query Language, and how to use Structured Query Language to create a database, add records to database tables, and how to use SQL queries to extract meaningful data from database tables.  You will quickly progress from creating simple SQL queries that query a single table to querying multiple tables simultaneously. You’ll also learn how to alter data in a database and how to gather significant statistics from data stored in a database. Finally, you'll learn techniques that will enable you to write powerful queries that perform complicated searches and sorts on your data. This certificate will enhance your competitiveness in the field of database administration and data analyst jobs.

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Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Introduction to SQL (U1001 /66589) Online 02/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 2/3/2025, ending 2/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Intermediate SQL (US) (U1002 /66590) Online 03/03/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 3/3/2025, ending 3/28/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
Advanced SQL (U1003 /66591) Online 04/07/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM; 4 sessions starting 4/7/2025, ending 5/2/2025 (New lessons are released None specified)
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9700 France Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55431

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